Leading Provider of Lapp products Online

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Lapp manufactures the highest quality cable, connectors, glands and industrial data communication solutions to enable factory automation, support plant infrastructure, and power and control machinery. Lapp products are proven to withstand harsh industrial environment factors including corrosive oil and water, temperature extremes, vibration, and continuous flexing. Their custom cable assemblies for power, data, signal, and control applications empower you to maximize your production through optimized connectivity. Lapp's state of the art manufacturing plant includes an in-house UL Client Data Program and UL certified laboratory to ensure the highest quality, continuously tested industrial cables, connectors, and glands in the market.
Lapp manufactures the highest quality cable, connectors, glands and industrial data communication solutions to enable factory automation, support plant infrastructure, and power and control machinery. Lapp products are proven to withstand harsh industrial environment factors including corrosive oil and water, temperature extremes, vibration, and continuous flexing. Their custom cable assemblies for power, data, signal, and control applications empower you to maximize your production through optimized connectivity. Lapp's state of the art manufacturing plant includes an in-house UL Client Data Program and UL certified laboratory to ensure the highest quality, continuously tested industrial cables, connectors, and glands in the market.
Cable Assemblies(9)
Cables, Wires - Management(1)
Market Analysis
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