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Semiconductor cold strike people, Japan this product shipments fell!

Bob July 20, 2023

Shipments of passive components in Japan fell sharply in April

Japan Electronic Information Technology Industry Association (JEITA) recently released statistics pointed out that the shipment of passive components such as capacitors fell sharply, dragging down the global shipment of Japanese electronic parts factories in April 2023 fell 4.4% from the same period last year to 330.5 billion yen, the sixth consecutive month into contraction, but the monthly shipment exceeded 300 billion yen for the 32rd consecutive month


TrendForce: DRAM fixed trading price fell 2.86% month-on-month in June

Data from market research company TrendForce on the 30th showed that the average fixed trading price of DRAM fell 2.86% month-on-month in June. In June, the average fixed transaction price of PC DRAM(DDR4 8Gb 1Gx8 2133MHz) was $1.36, down 59.5% from the same month last year. Last June, the average fixed transaction price for the product was $3.35. The average fixed transaction price for the NAND Flash Universal product (128Gb 16Gx8 MLC) for memory cards and USB in June was $3.82, unchanged from the previous month. Compared with the same period last year, the transaction price fell 18.3 percent. In terms of NAND flash memory, TrendForce expects to remain flat in July due to an uncertain demand outlook.


Supply and demand for LCD TV panels will gradually balance in the second half of the year

In 2023, the panel industry in the second half of the year is better than the first half of the year, with LCD TV panels, currently in short supply; In terms of IT panels, 2022 inventory pressure such as Dell (Dell), HP (HP), Lenovo, 2023 inventory has been slowly digested, into the second half of the year, IT panel supply and demand will gradually balance, but also let more terminal industry began to purchase IT panels. However, 2023 is still subject to the overall terminal demand, in the case of panel control production, industry supply and demand are roughly in balance, and 2024 is affected by the continuous promotion of product size, panel area demand is expected to rise, it is estimated that the real improvement of the LCD cycle time will fall in 2024.

Big Mo: Mature process wafer foundry terminal demand has not picked up much is expected to increase Q3 revenue of manufacturers by 0~5%

Morgan Stanley released the "Mature process foundry momentum in the third quarter is still sluggish" report pointed out that mature process foundry growth is still weak, still face pricing and capacity utilization is still low pressure, the third quarter revenue is estimated to grow only 0 to 5% than the second quarter. As end demand has not picked up much and most customers remain cautious and conservative in purchasing key components, the foundry's outlook for the third quarter should disappoint the market, so investors are advised to lower their growth expectations for the third quarter.

Nvidia, Broadcom and AMD have successively increased their orders to TSMC's overall order size by at least 20% more than 2023

Nvidia, Broadcom, AMD are in TSMC film, due to the growth of demand in the AI field, the three companies have not only raised TSMC 5/7nm family process orders quarter by quarter since the second quarter, but also compete for TSMC CoWoS production capacity, strong pursuit of single momentum has been extended to 2024, and the overall order size has increased by at least 20% more than 2023

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